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Curriculum vitae

Date of Birth: 25 /01/1987, Portugal.
W O R K    E X P E R I E N C E #
Researcher Scholar, P.hD student at Háskoli Íslands, University of Iceland. 2023
Maternity leave
Architect at GP Arkitektar,  Reykjavík. 2017

Architect Intern at Colectivo ODD . Lisbon, September 2013 - August 2014 

Architecture student intern while studying, at Estúdio Jorge Sanches da Cruz Arquitectos . Évora, 2006 



E D U C A T I O N #
2023 Háskoli Íslands, P.hD student, researcher scholar at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies.


Universidade Lusíada De Lisboa  + University of Valladolid

(faculdade d arquitectura e artes) (escuela superior tecnica de arquitectura)

2014 Graduated with 16 values with the Master thesis: Dialogues between Architecture and Dance : (re)thinking the


2010 Student Exchange Program, during the fifth academic university year, in Escuela Superior Tecnica de Arquitectura (UVA) - Valladolid Spain.                                                                             

 *note: at UVA my principal subjects and main focus: Project V  + Execution and development of project + Restoration project*

2008 Degree in Science of Architecture at Lusíada University of Lisbon




P R I Z E S   A N D   P U B L I C A T I O N S # 
 |2023I Askur HMS research fund award. HMS grant is awarded for innovation in the civil engineering and architectural field
with research focus on increased knowledge, improvements and innovation to meet societal challenges. 
 I2023I “ADAPT & EVOLV3” Exhibition for DesignMarch at Nordic House, Iceland. Sustainability and Carbon Negative Materials 
 |2016| Invited for the Exhibition "Lusíada 30 Years of Architecture Exhibition" at Museu Nacional dos Coches · Belém, Lisbon District, Portugal.

 |2010| Selected to the international universities competition "Burgos 2016 Capital Europea de La Cultura"​


 |2008| Selected to Anuário 2007/2008 Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes (


 |2007| Invited by Teacher and Architect Helena Botelho to present my second year academic work on her class.




 S K I L L S:


 AutoCAD (2D, 3D)




 Microsoft Office

 Rhino 3D 


 L A N G U A G E S :

 Portuguese (mother tongue)



 Comprehension  : Excelent *****

 Expression: Excelent *****



 Comprehension  : Excelent *****

 Expression: Excelent *****



 Comprehension : Good ****

 Expression: Elemental ***



 Comprehension : Good ****

 Expression: Elemental ***



 Medium ***















A R T I S T I C  S K I L L S  -  C O M P E T E N C E S   A N D + :



 Yoga * vegan food * interested in photography & editing ( workshop at medium level with analog camera) *













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